Acne (Yauvan Pidhika)
What is Yauvan Pidhika (Acne)?
Yauvan Pidhika or Acne is one of the most common problems faced by the teenagers or adolescents. Most of the teens spend a lot of money to solve the problem by using cream, lotions, face wash etc but these only manage to solve the surface problem whereas acne persists under the skin. That is why these remedies do not work for a very long time and pimple or zits (acne) keep coming back. Ayurveda cures it from within and not the surface that is where Ayurveda plays an important role.
Causes of Yauvan Pidhika?
Ayurveda says that acne is an imbalance of all three doshas, vata, pitta and kapha, with the main cause being the aggravation of the pita dosha, pitta is made up of fire and water, hence the heat, or redness of the skin. Rakta dhatu or blood also plays an important role in formation of acne.
Vata when gets vitiated due to unhealthy diet and lifestyles affects other two doshas (kapha and pitta) to aggravate them. Aggravated pitta affects rakta dhatu or blood.
The vitiated blood affects the skin and causes excess secretion of oil from sebaceous glands. Kapha has sticky property. The aggravated kapha imparts the stickiness to the oil produced by sebaceous glands of skin. Thus the thick sebaceous plugs are formed in skin pores and hair follicles leading to eruption of acne. Since a pitta imbalance is deep in the physiology, cream and topical treatments just mask the symptoms and do not cure them within, Ayurveda recommends a pitta diet and life style to tackle the disease at the root cause. Add yoga and meditation as they help in stress release and relaxation.
A simple diet plan beneficial for acne:
•Eat food that are suitably warm avoid cold food.
•Do not eat food that are not compatible with each other,
•Eat at regular time intervals, a full meal can take at least 3-4 hrs to digest.
•Oily food should be avoided.
•You diet should be a perfect balance food. Do not gorge on spicy or sugary food.
•For proper movement for bowels a lot of green leafy vegetables should be included.
•To build up proper water content a proper amount of fresh fruits should be took; it also makes the blood purer.
Acne worsens when:
•Grease, dirt or other harsh chemicals accumulate on skin.
•You have increased stress levels.
•You indulge in Squeezing or pinching of acne.
•When there are hormonal imbalances during menstrual cycle, menopause and puberty.
•You are under medications like steroids or hormonal therapy.
Precautions to be taken to avoid exaggeration of acne eruptions:
•Avoid foods which are spicy, dry and oily. These may cause indigestion and lead to vitiation of vata.
•Keep a habit of emptying bowels regularly this always normalizes vata.
•Avoid fast foods and soft drinks.
•Wash your face twice daily with mild cleanser.
•Put a hair band to avoid falling of hair on face. The sweat and dirt accumulated on hair may fall on facial skin through hair strands
•Avoid application of scrubs.
•Wash your hair regularly with mild shampoo to keep it clean and avoid dandruff.
•Squeezing and pricking of pimples cause scaring. Hence avoid this
•Avoid exposure of skin to severe climatic conditions.
•Avoid oil based moisturizers. Water based moisturizers are always beneficial.
•Drink plenty of water.
•Practice a regular exercise regimen
Natural Herbal acne Home remedies:
•Wash your face with lukewarm water and mild soap twice a day.
•Wash fresh methi leaves (fenu greek leaves) and grind it to make a paste. Apply it on face and wash it off with lukewarm water after 10 minutes.
•Grind juicy tender neem leaves with turmeric to a consistency of paste. Apply this paste on acne and pimples. Wash this off after it dries.
•Apply a face pack of ripe tomato pulp and wash it off as soon as it dries naturally (preferably after 45 minutes).
•Do not keep the make up while sleeping. Cleanse it with a mild herbal cleanser.
•Mix besan flour (gram flour) with rose water and apply a face pack.
•Consuming fresh vegetable salads and fresh fruits keeps the skin healthy and resistant to blemishes.
•Drink plenty of water (15 glasses a day).