Pratishyaya (Common Cold) Ayurvedic Remedies from the Kitchen
Pratishyaya or common cold is related to nasopharyngeal ones but it effects all of the body`s systems. The common cold is the most prevalent during the beginning of the winters. To avoid common cold, a few simple dos & don’t s can be followed :
Don’t s:
1. Consume liquids in large quantities.
2. Sleep in the daytime.
3. Keep awake at night.
1.Cover the head & neck with clothes.
2. Gargle with warm saline water.
3. Eat light & fresh food.
4. Stay in a warm place. Avoid causative factors i.e. Dust, smoke, dew etc.
Symptoms: Excessive sneezing, headache/body ache If, it is chronic, the symptoms are : dryness of mouth, sneezing, obstruction in nose, pain in temporal region, discharges from nose and fever.
Common cold can be treated by using the following Ayurvedic home remedies:
1. Boil a glass of milk +10 gm. turmeric (a small rhizome) take it lukewarm form.
2. Holy basil + ginger+ Black pepper+ Mulethi make decoction & have it in lukewarm from.
3. Take 5 leaves of Holy basil, 2-3 leaves of Jwarankusha, little ginger & add tea leaves in your regular tea.
If there is uncontrolled sneezing, excessive thirst, foul smell in nose, insomnia, fever 102(F) or more then don’t take it lightly, consult the doctor.