Haridra (Turmeric)
The Haridra is well known to mankind due to its dual action of prevention and cure of a number of ailments.It is commonly known as Haldi. Haridra being a major spice crop in India. In India its language wise other
Common name as follows:
Tam-Mancal, Jel-Pasupu,
The Plants- A perennial herb, 60-90 cm in height, with a short stem, cylindric rhizome, simple leaves, Part Used- Rhizomes (dried as well as raw). Preventive uses- It is a health protector. It improves the body immunity. By regular use of Haridra, It can avoid cold & cough during season change, sore throat, skin diseases, and pain & swelling in points, after delivery, it can apply with sesame oil.
Curative uses: – Anaemia
1.It removes toxins from blood and increases hemoglobin percentage.
2. A decoction prepared from its rhizome relieves pain.
3. Cold/Cough/Asthma-Haridra with honey is the best remedy.
4. Sprain/Inflammatory ailments of joints-poultice of its paste with sesame oil, if applied hot, then will be effective treatment from sprains. Main Preparations are- Haridra Khand, Allerkhand, Chandraprabha vatika, Sudarshana Churna.